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10 Simple and Natural Fall Allergy Remedies

Natural Fall Allergy Remedies

As the temperature dips and the leaves change, are you one of the unlucky ones whose nose is running and eyes are itching? Does the congestion in your sinuses let you know that Fall is on the way? If you suffer each year with seasonal allergies to pollen, mold and dust, then try some these non-diet related, natural fall allergy remedies.

10 Natural Fall Allergy Remedies

  1. Wear Those Shades
    Wear sunglasses outdoors to reduce the amount of pollen that reaches your eyes.
  2. Plan Your Day
    Try to limit your outdoor exposure to early mornings or to early evenings when pollen counts are usually lower.
  3. Block Out Those Allergens
    Keep windows and doors to the outside shut as much as possible to keep pollen from entering the home. Keeping your air conditioner on throughout this season on may reduce your exposure to allergens.
  4. Scrub Down Those Surfaces
    Wash down walls and surfaces with soap and water weekly to remove pollen that has entered the home.
  5. Suck Up That Dust
    Vacuum all soft surfaces weekly with a HEPA rated vacuum cleaner filter to remove dust and pollen.
  6. Clean Those Hard-to-Reach Areas
    Have your duct work cleaned out and your chimney swept yearly to reduce the pollen an soot that has collected in these areas of your home.
  7. Stay Squeaky Clean
    Shower and wash your hair each night to remove the pollen that has collected on your body throughout the day.
  8. Pet’s Need a Bath Too!
    Scrub those pets who venture outdoors to help remove the pollen that collects on their fur.
  9. Flush Away the Pollen
    Use a saline nasal spray to flush pollen out of your nasal cavities each day. Some suggest using a Neti Pot to flush the sinuses, but it is recommended that you learn of the dangers before you use one. Also, flush eyes with clean water if you have been exposed to the allergens.
  10. Cover Your Face
    Wear face protection such as a mask when working in the yard.

There it is, 10 easy ways to help combat those seasonal allergies. Can you come up with any more natural fall allergy remedies to share? Please let me know in the comments below.

Thanks for reading!


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Designing Personal Space: Organize Your Interior to Boost Healthy Habits

Bedroom Sanctuary

Have you ever thought about how a simple thing like changing the color of your walls can impact your mood? Our environment has a huge influence on our psyche and the way we organize our personal space can make us feel different or encourage us to act a certain way. If you want to incorporate healthy habits into your lifestyle, you can be savvy and organize your home interior so that it impacts your everyday decisions and supports you on your path to a healthier you. Here are ways you can do that in four different rooms of your home, taking care of both your mind and body.

Give your kitchen a healthy makeover

Healthy Yogurt
Photo Source: Pixabay

The kitchen is the heart of the house – a favorite place of gourmands and the key room for preparing healthy meals. Of course, you should always keep your kitchen organized, tidy, and clean. But, how can you optimize it so that it encourages you to stick to healthy habits? First of all, declutter your space and throw away all the processed food (or at least – reduce it to a minimum). It’s a misconception that healthy nutrition has to be tasteless. You just have to make smarter choices, so keep that in mind when going grocery shopping next time. Invest in a good juicer and leave fruit on display: that way, you’ll get a visual reminder to eat healthy. You’ll start to associate your kitchen with health and it won’t take long before you form new habits.

Make your exercising room workout-inspiring

Make Workout Room Inspiring
Photo Source: Pixabay

Besides the obvious physical benefits of working out, it is also known as one of the best ways to achieve balance in mental health. Your exercising room should be designed accordingly: no cluttered space, no dull colors, and no distractions. It’s a place where you should find inspiration to stay committed to your fitness goals. Yoga is a great way to stay physically active while taking care of your mind, too. Eastern philosophy is layered and deep, so it’s not surprising many people step away from the Western exercising techniques and turn to it instead. Always have a yoga mat ready and try meditating. Decorate your room with prayer flags and candles in order to create a space filled with serenity. Design your room so that it’s inviting and you associate it with a peaceful feeling of doing something good for yourself. Depending on the type of your physical activity, you should color the walls to boost up your level of energy or calm you down.

Design your bedroom as a personal sanctuary

Bedroom Sanctuary
Photo Source: Pixabay

We often go to bed overwhelmed with negative thoughts, which may create a restless feeling and cause insomnia. You can try to make the best of designing your bedroom so that it’s your personal sanctuary. Good sleep is crucial for one’s healthy functioning. Opt for a calming color for the walls (pastel ones work the best) and make it as warm and welcoming as possible. Pick natural fabrics for the sheets and light a few scented candles before going to bed. Opt for soothing and calming scents (e.g. lavender) and you’ll feel the tranquility you’ve been craving for.

Fill your living room with light and greenery

Design room with light and greenery
Photo Source: Pexels

The living room is most frequently the noisiest one, as it is the room for socializing. It should reflect who you are through home décor. Consider the overall style of your interior design and try to adapt the details to it. Make sure your living room has a lot of light since it impacts your health more than you probably assume. The presence of plants can also have an influence, as they create a connection to nature, clean the air, and also help with your work flow – who knew!

Being healthy goes beyond just eating smart and exercising, but it does take commitment to lead a healthy life. Designing strategies can empower you on your path: organize your space and get a little health boost in doing so.

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